Ever since the foundation of the Archaeology Society in the year 1928, the membership fee has remained unchanged. With only CHF 5.- per year, you too can enjoy all benefits from a membership.
As a thank-you for their support, all members receive a present at the beginning of each year that always have a relation to archaeology but can range from a calendar to seeds of old grain sorts.
Declaration of membership
I am signing up as a new member to the Archaeology Society Zug.
Written registrations
Archäologischer Verein Zug
Hofstrasse 15
6300 Zug
Bank details
Zuger Kantonalbank
6301 Zug
Kontoinhaber: Archäologischer Verein Zug, Hofstrasse 15, CH-6300 Zug
Konto-Nr.: 00-701.704-09
IBAN: CH74 0078 7000 0701 7040 9